Best Motivational Quotes

Best Motivational Quotes

Good people are like street lights

Good people are like lights along the roads.

They do not reduce the distance

But they light up the way.

Truth Is Like Oil in Water

Truth Is Always Like Oil In Water;

No Matter How Much Of Water You Add,

It Always Floats On Top..!"

Your Ability That Shines

'The Size Of Candles May Differ

But They Yield The Same Brightness.

It's Not The Matter Of Your Position,

But Your Ability That Shines.'

Three Simple Rules in Life

There are three excellent rules for life

1. If you don't GO after what you desire,

You will never have it.

2. If you don't have the habit of asking,

Your answer will always be NO.

3. If you don't step FORWARD,

You will be in the same place always.

Where You Will Reach Tomorrow

Every King was once a crying baby

And every great building was once a map.

It's not important where you are TODAY,


where you will reach TOMORROW is important.

Challenges Come in 3 Categories

Challenges in life come in three categories


Those who take the easy way have a safe and boring life;

those with difficult way have thought but satisfying life and those taking the impossible way are remembered forever.

When a Girl or Guy does Something Wrong!

When a person does something bad!

Girl: You ruined my Favorite Lamp!

Boy: It was an accident; I didn't indicate to..!

Girl: I can't think you did this.

Boy: I'm Sorry.. !! :(

When a Girl does Something Wrong!

Boy: You Lost My Dog??!!!

Girl: It was a misfortune. I didn't indicate to!

Boy: I can't believe you accomplished this.

Girl: I already judge bad about it. Stop making me feel more sinister.

Boy: I'm Sorry.

People often feel Smthin but Xpress Something Else

People feel something but express difference

They want to talk about something special but say something else

So learn the art of saying nothing in such a way that it leaves nothing unsaid.

Few Moments Spent With Someone

A whole life spent with someone for a lifetime may be purposeless,

But a few moments spent with someone who loves U,

It means more than a life itself!

Become Victim or Victorious

Every test in our life creates us better or bitter.

Every problem comes in life to break us or make us,

The choice is whether

we become victims or victorious..!!

8-03-2019, 22:24
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