Кондитер из Турции создает торты, которые просто перепутать с обыденными вещами

Кондитер из Турции создает торты, которые просто перепутать с обыденными вещами

Кондитерская отрасль не стоит на месте. Постоянно возникают новые и новые десерты, которые готовы пленить ваше сердце своим вкусом. Но не только над сладостными нотками экспериментируют мастера. Кондитер из Турции, Туба Гекил, много времени уделяет также и внешнему виду своих десертов и тортов. Умения женщины можно всецело приписать к волшебству, ведь за годы стараний она научилась из сладостей, кремов, теста и массы других вкусных ингредиентов создавать невероятно реалистичные вещи – от цветочных горшков и рулонов туалетной бумаги, до сланцев и мыла!

Оцените старания Тубы и ее мастерство и не забудьте написать, что вы думаете по поводу таких необычных сладостей!


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Yaz gelince 😁🏝🍰❤️🎨 #realisticcake #yesitsacake #crocs #cake ———————————————————————— 👉Detaylı bilgi ve eğitim kayıt & Register ; whatsapp / +90 545 599 80 91 ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 ————————————————————————#onlineeducation #education #modelling #cakepaintingclass #cakeart #cakeclass #sculpturepainting #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeart #cakestagram #pastrychef #cakedecorating #sugarart #cakeartistry #realisticcakes #tubageckil #redrosecake

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Ellerimizi yıkamayı unutmayalım. ☺️🍰🎨❤️🔪🧼 (Her şey yenilebilir.) Don’t forget to wash your hands. ☺️🍰🎨❤️🔪🧼 (Everything in this is consumable.) #allcake #soap #bubbles #hijyen ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 #education #cakeartist #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #tubageckil #redrosecake #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeartistry #cakedecorating #tubageckilegitim #cakeartist #sugarartist

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The art of cake.. 🍰❤️🎨 Detaylar storyde 😊#artofcake #naturmort #everythingcake #allcake ———————————————————————— 👉Classes Register & Detaylı bilgi ve eğitim kayıt whatsapp / +90 545 599 80 91 ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz⭐️ @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 ————————————————————————#onlineeducation #education #workshop #bustcake #modelling #cakepaintingclass #cakeart #cakeclass #sculpturepainting #tubageckilegitim #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeart #cakestagram #pastrychef #cakedecorating #sugarart #cakeartistry #realisticcakes #tubageckil #redrosecake

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Yes it's a all cake ! And you can do it too 😊🍰❤️🎨 ONLİNE Private Class / 3d CAKE 'Grill meal’ 1-7 april Reservation / whatsapp / +90 545 599 80 91 #3dcake #onlineclass ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 #education #cakeartist #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #tubageckil #redrosecake #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeartistry #cakedecorating #ediblefabric

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Everything Cake !! 😁🍰🎨🍫 #allcake #potcake #realisticcake 👉 Tag your friends ❤️ Online classes.. Details & Information and Register on Whatsapp / +90 545 599 80 91 ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 ————————————————————————#onlineeducation #education #workshop #bustcake #modelling #cakepaintingclass #cakeart #cakeclass #sculpturepainting #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeart #cakestagram #pastrychef #cakedecorating #sugarart #cakeartistry #realisticcakes #tubageckil #redrosecake

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Bizler ailemizin yanındayken Corona virüsü sebebi ile hastanelerde canı pahasına görev yapan tüm sağlık personeli dostlarımıza minnettarız. 👩‍⚕️👨🏼‍⚕️❤️💫🍰🎨 While we are with our family, we are grateful to all our healthcare staff who work at hospitals due to the Corona virus. #redrosecake farkı ile #cake #everythingcake #3dcake #realcake #handsanitizer ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 #education #cakeartist #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #tubageckil #redrosecake #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeartistry #cakedecorating

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Evet bu bir pasta !! 😆🍰🎨 Yes !! this is cake too😆🍰🎨 #3dcake #realisticcakes #kenwood @kenwoodturkiye #toastercake———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 ————————————————————————#onlineeducation #education #workshop #bustcake #modelling #cakepaintingclass #cakeart #cakeclass #sculpturepainting #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeart #cakestagram #pastrychef #cakedecorating #sugarart #cakeartistry #realisticcakes #tubageckil #redrosecake

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Bu kez yıllaar evvel çalıştığım el desenli mendili ile fincan pastasını tekrar hazırlamanın heyecanını yaşadım. O dönem, aklıma gelen herşeyi 3d pasta olarak çalışmak hobiydi benim için ; Elma şeftali karpuz vb meyveler sebzelerden, kahve makinası, çanta cüzdan sebzeli güveç pastasına kadar enteresan gelen her modeli ayrı heyecanla hazırlardım 😅 Bu kez farklı tasarımları You Tube kanalımda sizler için hazırlayacağım. Abone olmak isteyenler 😊 Linki profilimde bulabilirsiniz👆☺️🍰❤️🎨 #handpaintingcake #3dcake #yenilebilirsanat #youtubetubageckil #edibleart #creativecake .................................................................................... ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyorum @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @kenwoodturkiye 👌@das_uniforma_ 👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 #bustcake #modelling #cakeart #sugarart #cakedecorating #cakeartistry #bustcake #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #tubageckil #redrosecake #handpainting #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeartistry #cakedecorating #cakedesigner #sugarart #butikpasta #sculpturepainting #paletteknifepainting

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Evet !! O bir çikolatalı çilekli PASTA..! 😁🍫🍰🍕🎨 Not: Mantar, salam, mısırlar, kaşar peynir vb tüm detaylar şeker hamuru ile yapılmıştır💫 Yess it is a strawberry and chocolate CAKE ! 😁🍫🍰🍕🎨 Note : Mushroom,salami,sweet corn,cheese and another details are made from fondant💫 #pizzacake #realisticcakes #allcake #hiperrealism #onlineeducation ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 #education #cakeartist #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #tubageckil #redrosecake #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeartistry #cakedecorating #tubageckilegitim #cakeartist #sugarartist #cake @dominos @dominospizzatr @pizzahut @pizzahutturkiye

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Tamamı pasta yeni ‘bust cake’ eğitim modelimiz ‘Cool Girl’ yeni teknikleriyle sizlerle.. 😊🍰🎨🍫🌍 New online class model is ‘Cool Girl’ You will learn many different and special techniques 😊🍰🎨🍫🌍 #allcake #bustcake ONLİNE CLASSES.. Details & Information and Register on 👉Whatsapp / +90 545 599 80 91 👈———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 ————————————————————————#onlineeducation #education #workshop #bustcake #modelling #cakepaintingclass #cakeart #cakeclass #sculpturepainting #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeart #cakestagram #pastrychef #cakedecorating #sugarart #cakeartistry #realisticcakes #tubageckil #redrosecake

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Tavuğunuzu nasıl alırsınız.. Çikolatalı ? 🤪 Not: Tabak ve strech film de yenilebilir 😊🍰❤️🎨 How do you get the chicken .. Chocolate? 🤪 Note: Plate and stretch roll are also edible 😊🍰❤️🎨 #cake #3dcake #everythingcake #allcake #chickencake #yummy 👉#tag your frends👈———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 #education #cakeartist #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #tubageckil #redrosecake #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeartistry #cakedecorating #tubageckilegitim #cakeartist #sugarartist

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Sizin en sevdiğiniz meyve nedir ? Bir sonraki meyve pastamız olabilir 😊🍰🎨🍌 ————————————————————————- What is your best fruit ? According to the majority, we may have our next fruit cake 😊🍰🎨🍌 ———————————————————————— ⭐️Sponsorlarımıza teşekkür ediyoruz👉 @altinmarka_official 👌 @dr_paste 👌 @dasuniformtr 👌 @straforcuyuzbiz👌 @yenilebilirkagit👌 ————————————————————————#onlineeducation #education #workshop #bustcake #modelling #cakepaintingclass #cakeart #cakeclass #sculpturepainting #isomalte #tubageckilegitim #caketopper #handpaintingcake #butikpasta #fondantfigures #yenilebilirsanat #cakedesign #edibleart #theartofpainting #cakeart #cakestagram #pastrychef #cakedecorating #sugarart #cakeartistry #realisticcakes #tubageckil #redrosecake

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Смотрите также: 12 тортов, внешний вид которых вас может обмануть

15-07-2020, 14:00
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